You’ve Been Promoted. Now What?


CONGRATS, you’ve been promoted. Now what? Glenn Pasch says there are two things you should do before anything else.


Congratulations, you’ve now been promoted to run a team. So either you’ve been brought in from the outside or you’ve been promoted from the inside to run the team that maybe you were a part of. And you’re excited and you’re ready to make your mark. I wanna give you two things that you should do before you even get started. Number one, sit down with the leadership of your dealership, and go through the reasons why you were promoted, meaning why did they make this management change? Was it that the person who was running it before was promoted? Great. Or did they fail in some way? They didn’t meet some sort of requirement. You need to understand what those metrics are that they’re looking for in terms of success. It’s not important about what you think you’re gonna be able to accomplish, is what does the leadership expect from you. So make sure you’re very clear about that.

The second tip is when you’re ready to start getting involved with your team, make sure you take time to watch and observe, before you go in and start making changes. There’s only two reasons why success is not achieved. It is either you have the wrong process, or you have the wrong execution. So make sure you take time to watch, listen, and learn, so that you can understand what you need to develop. Is it a new process? Is it better execution?

So, again, take the time, look at those two steps. Congratulation, I wish you the best success of running your team. And that is your tip of the day.