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UAW leader calls for Stellantis CEO to step down amid Belvidere plant dispute

This sentiment mirrors UAW President Shawn Fain’s recent remarks, where he also targeted Tavares, emphasizing the need for leadership change at the automaker.

The United Auto Workers (UAW) is intensifying its criticism of Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares, with Kevin Gotinsky, the UAW leader in charge of the Stellantis department, calling for his resignation. Gotinsky expressed frustration over the company’s decision to postpone the reopening of the Belvidere Assembly Plant in Illinois, a move he claims violates the terms of their national contract.

“I think he either needs to go or get someone close by him to work side by side with him to manage the company because I don’t think he knows what he’s doing,” Gotinsky stated during a union rally. This sentiment mirrors UAW President Shawn Fain’s recent remarks, where he also targeted Tavares, emphasizing the need for leadership change at the automaker.

Despite earlier commitments, the UAW’s dissatisfaction stems from Stellantis’ plans to delay the reopening of the idled Belvidere plant until 2027. The union argues that the company is not honoring its contractual obligations. In response, Stellantis cited letter 311 in their national contract, stating that reopening depends on plant performance, market conditions, and consumer demand. The company maintains that a strike over this issue would be illegal and vowed to challenge any such action legally.

Gotinsky disputed Stellantis’ claims, asserting that market conditions were never part of their discussions regarding plant investments. He criticized Tavares for awarding himself a raise while trying to push the reopening date further back, which Gotinsky believes is an attempt to sidestep their commitments entirely.

The situation escalated further when Tavares reportedly canceled a visit to the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant, leading to more frustration among union leaders. Despite these tensions, Gotinsky confirmed that communication between the UAW and Stellantis continues, though he doubted the CEO’s willingness to address the union’s concerns.

The conflict underscores the ongoing struggles between the UAW and Stellantis over job security, plant operations, and leadership as the union prepares to take further action to protect its members’ interests.

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