What is it that motivates you? Is it a motivational speaker like Tony Robbins? A certain podcast? On today’s Tip of the Day, Becky Chernek talks about taking control of your attitude by finding the motivating factor that gets you in a positive headspace.
Becky Chernek: Welcome to the tip of the day on CBT. I’m Becky Chernek. Now we all get med slump, that’s for sure, including myself. Even the best of us need to pick me up. You always need a go to, or that special someone. A motivational guru or a mentor who motivates you to pick up the pieces to act. What’s it going to take to get you back on track? Is it Tony Robbins, Og Mandino, Brian Tracy, Jeffrey Gitomer? Always have your favorite podcast, your ebooks on hand, in the car, when you’re driving back and forth to work.
It’s amazing what he can do for you and that attitude. We all need a good kick in the butt from time to time and we all get stale. Pick up an old training manual. Find content that you might’ve used before that helped you to be successful. Be proactive and take a positive control of your attitude.