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Tag: Weekly Tune-up


Wasted Dollars in Your Service Lounge

People live at a faster pace nowadays. How time feels to someone is relative to what their priorities are at any moment. On this...

The Cost of Being Competitive with Maintenance

  On today's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon discusses the costs of being competitive with maintenance products and services in your service department. Video...
comprehensive customer service

What is Comprehensive Customer Service?

We're all aware of how important customer service is. In this episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon addresses what exactly it means to...

Building Trust in Fixed-Ops

On this week's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon shares her insights on how trust in the fixed-ops department can affect the overall success of...
time management

Time Management in the Service Department

On this week's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon talks about one of the most important things service advisors can do to increase...

How Should You Pay Your Technicians? (Part 3)

On today's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon continues her series on how you should be paying your technicians. In part three, Becky...

How Should You Pay Your Technicians? (Part 2)

On today's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon continues her series on how you should be paying your technicians. In part two, Becky...

Preventing Future Problems For Your Customer

On this week's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon talks about how a trained auto service technician has the skills and tools to...
good employee

What to do when you lose a good employee

On this week's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky goes over what you should do when you lose a good employee and how to...

To BDC, or Not to BDC

On this week's edition of the Weekly Tune-Up, join Becky Nixon as she answers the question that everyone wants the answer to: To BDC,...