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The dangers of cybersecurity and fraud in 2021: What your dealership...

There are many pros when it comes to allowing customers to purchase cars online. There is an increase in efficiency, greater ease of organizing...
creating websites

4 modern dealership challenges and how to successfully pivot

Dealership operations are becoming increasingly complex, and the global pandemic has only accelerated that further. The rapid changes in market conditions are driven by...

General Motors pledges to be electric only by 2035, carbon neutral...

On Thursday, General Motors announced their pledge to become a carbon neutral company across their global operations by the year 2040. To that end,...

New report finds consumers prefer familiar auto options to advanced tech

While more advanced and exciting technology and drivetrain options are set to flood the automotive market in coming years, a new report found that...

Badger pickup eliminated from updated GM and Nikola MOU

Nikola Corporation has had a volatile 2020 with both ups and downs, but this week’s news has caused Nikola shares to plunge yet again....

Policaro Group on the use of innovation and technology in automotive...

In Southern Ontario, COVID-19 affects customer sentiment just like the rest of the world. Google reports that 59% of car shoppers would complete their...

Joe Biden: “Move to the vehicles of the future”

The automotive industry has thankfully shown signs of recovery throughout the past few months and will hopefully continue to improve despite the ongoing coronavirus...
women of color

Four FCA technical business leaders receive awards at Women of Color...

As of 2017, only 11.5% of science and engineering employees were women of color. Additionally, this group only represented 14.1% of Bachelor degree holders...

Yanfeng develops in-car UV sanitizer that kills COVID-19

Automotive interior design and manufacturing specialists Yanfeng have developed an in-car sanitizer that is capable of killing the novel coronavirus on vehicle surfaces. Yanfeng...

Beijing Auto Show foreshadows automotive retail future

The 2020 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition kicked off on Saturday, Sept 26 as the first major auto show since the coronavirus pandemic began after...