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Is The Automotive Industry Forgetting How To Connect?

If you stay current with articles on marketing or business in general, you cannot miss the pundits discussing the new face of business –technology,...
winter preparedness

Winter Preparedness: What Should Your Dealership Offer?

Winter is coming. It may have already started to hit in some parts of the country. Where I come from, we often joke (at...

Installation vs. Implementation

On today's Tip of the Day, Glenn Pasch explains the difference between the installation of a service you've selected for your staff and actually...

5 Tips and Strategies for an Effective Service Department Mentoring Program

Apprenticeship is a concept as old as time. It used to be that the ONLY way to learn a trade was to serve an...

Try Performing A Basic Service Inspection Immediately, Then Prioritizing Work Your...

Every customer who pulls into your service department deserves to know the overall condition of their vehicle, each time he or she visits. As...

How to Create Magic on the Phone

 On this week's episode of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon talks about increasing profits in your service drive with some tips on answering your...

How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Your Dealership

There are numerous headlines across print, online and social media platforms addressing the pros of diversity in the workplace. This goes beyond simply meeting...

How to Bring Authenticity to Automotive Retail Selling

We live in a world where it is extremely hard to pretend to be something you’re not. Social media and constant digital interconnectivity have...

Teaching Customers About Maintenance in the Information Age

Owner’s clinics are nothing new in the car business. Dealerships have been trying to teach new buyers about their vehicles (and the dealership’s service...
car subscriptions

What’s New with Car Subscriptions? Expansions, Pilot Programs, and More

We live in a world where subscriptions have become the norm. Whether we pay a monthly fee to access thousands of shows and movies,...