Tag: leads
Simplifying the Car Buying Process | 3 Ways to Keep Millennials...
On today's CBT Newscast for Thursday, August 17th, 2017:
Simplifying the Car Buying Process
Some dealerships still practice certain processes that aren't needed anymore in the...
5 Secrets to Mastering Sales Follow-Up
We all know how important follow-up is. It could be the one deciding factor that helps make your dealership a top of the line...
CBT News – December 1, 2015
On today's show:
Tim Kintz, President of the Kintz Group, shares his secret to recruiting good people
Are you missing out on leads due to...
Is your dealership relying on internet leads alone?
What has the lowest percentage of engagement and conversion of virtually any form of communication? If you guessed emails, you would be correct. In...
CBT News – September 1, 2015
On today's show:
Henry Svendblad, Senior VP of Technology at Digital Air Strike, explains how to increase positive online reviews and capture more leads
Tips and practices to connect with mobile shoppers more effectively
The age of mobile is no longer around the corner - it's here! 50 percent of your potential customers are using mobile devices to...