Tag: leadership
Don’t Dream of Being a Great Leader – Be a Good...
It’s not necessary to become a great leader. Those people are very few in number, and it usually takes a huge crisis for their...
Jeff Dyke: Silver lining for dealerships after hurricane destruction | Building...
On today's CBT Newscast for Monday, September 18th, 2017:
Jeff Dyke: Silver lining for dealerships after hurricane destruction
A storm that wipes out more than 500,000...
20 Rules of Coaching (Part 2)
On this week's episode of On the Mark, Mark continues with his Rules of Coaching series with Part 2 of the series.
Speaker and Author Rob Shallenberger on engaging your employees
Did you know that on average, 2 out of 3 employees at your dealership aren't engaged on a daily basis with members of your...
Speaker and Author Rob Shallenberger on engaging your employees | Driving...
On today's CBT Newscast for Monday, September 4th, 2017:
Speaker and Author Rob Shallenberger on engaging your employees
Did you know that on average, 2 out...
Must Reads for Automotive Managers
Experience might be the best teacher but it is also the slowest one. For the sales professional recently promoted into management, time is not...
20 Rules of Coaching (Part 1)
On this week's episode of On the Mark, Mark goes over the first 5 rules of his 20 rules of coaching.
The key to a successful sales team | Trophy Nissan Dealership...
The key to a successful sales team is to train and coach them to be transparent, forthcoming and listen, says Jennifer Carroll, who oversees...
Leadership is More than Good Results
Before we begin to discuss, let’s look at the definition of helpful.
Reading this, your first reaction would be, “Glenn of course being helpful is...
Reinventing your dealership for the used car market | Cutting Edge...
On today's CBT Newscast for August 22nd, 2017:
Reinventing your dealership for the used car market
As a dealership, reinventing yourself is not an easy thing...