Tag: IHS Markit
How to sell better than your online-only competition
As transaction prices on new and used vehicles soar, competition for today’s auto buyers is fierce. But it’s not just local competitors dealers need...
US auto consumers demonstrate lowest brand loyalty in six years
New car buyers in the United States have had wandering eyes this year. Among those shopping for a new vehicle, brand loyalty dropped to...
The Average Vehicle Age on the Road Today Keeps Climbing –...
New analysis from IHS Markit points to record-breaking vehicle ages on the road today. Over the past few years, vehicle age has been slowly...
CBT Automotive Newscast: July 29, 2020
Today's Featured Interview:
How Paragon Found Success by Utilizing a Frictionless Business Model - Brian Benstock
New York City has worked diligently to flatten the curve...
Service Opportunities as Average American Fleet Age Nearing 12 Years
Google announced on Monday that its employees will be able to work from home into the summer of 2021. While they are the first...
Automakers Get Creative with Highly Anticipated Vehicle Debuts
Amidst COVID-19 concerns domestic automakers from Ford to Dodge to GMC are debating whether to post-pone their highly anticipated product announcements or to debut...
Top Opportunities for Auto Marketers: Advanced Ad Tactics, Millennials, Alternative Fuel...
Ahead of the NADA conference in Las Vegas, automotive advertising professionals—including Jake Rostollan, executive vice president at Pinnacle Advertising and Neil Gandhi, vice president...
automotiveMastermind: Solving Old Problems with New Products
automotiveMastermind has had a spectacular past year so it was a must for CBT News to catch up with the behavior company at The 2018 NADA...
Third Annual Diversity Volume Leadership Awards
The automotive industry has seen unprecedented growth over the past four years. However, this would not have been possible without the purchasing power of...
Preferences for autonomy and mobility solutions vary widely by age and...
New research on consumer preferences for full autonomy in new vehicles finds the technology is not yet popular among a broad audience, according to...