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Tag: fixed ops

fixed ops

15 Tips to Improve your Fixed Ops

Joe Gumm spoke to Jody Devere, CEO of, about the customer experience in your service drive as well as what inspired her to write "15 Ways to Communicate Better...

15 Tips to Improve your Fixed Ops | How to Produce...

On today's CBT Newscast for Monday, June 26th, 2017: 15 Tips to Improve your Fixed Ops Joe Gumm spoke to Jody Devere, CEO of, about the...

3 Reasons Why There’s a Shortage in Auto Mechanics

CBT's Joe Gumm sat down with Fixed-Ops guru and host of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon, to talk about the decreasing number of mechanics...
service drive

Service Drive: Are you Talking in Terms the Customer Understands?

If you have ever been on a computer support call with someone who is totally immersed in the world of technology and is speaking...

What a Diagnostic Fee Actually Costs You

On this week's edition of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon talks about diagnostic fees and what they actually cost you in your service department. Whenever...

How to Create Value in Your Fixed-Ops Selling Process

On this week's edition of the Weekly Tune-Up, Becky Nixon goes over how sending a video to your customers could be more beneficial than a...
fixed-ops marketing

Improving Your Fixed-Ops Marketing

Fixed ops is a big topic, so are you marketing your fixed ops department the right way? Glenn Pasch has several suggestions on improving...
millennial gap

Bridging the Millennial Gap Through Better Service

The Millennial has proved to be an elusive customer for dealership service departments, as evidenced by low rates of retention and loyalty. This generation...

Effective Leadership in your Fixed Ops Division

On today's episode of Weekly Tune-up, Becky talks about effective leadership when it comes to Fixed Ops in your dealership. There is a great difference...

What to do with an underperforming BDC

  Joe Gumm sit down with Mark Rikess, President of The Rikess Group to discuss the pros and cons of a BDC department. He reveals...