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Tag: dealership inventory

Len Short shares strategies to profit from discounted aging car inventory as dealerships enter discounts on the recent Inside Automotive.

How dealerships can more effectively manage inventory risks – Len Short |...

Dealerships are in a critical phase as discounts are being applied to aging car inventory. Len Short, the Chairman and CEO of Lotlinx, speaks...
At the recent 2023 Digital Dealer conference, anchor Jim Fitzpatrick spoke with Rick Dearden, a regional director for Lotlinx.

How dealers can take control of their inventory management — Rick...

Rick Dearden is a regional director at Lotlinx, a technology platform that provides auto dealers and manufacturers with enhanced operational control over their retail...

Why sales process training is more important than ever

Dealership inventories are well below normal for both new and used vehicles and it’s likely to be another year before it has some semblance...

Back to Basics: How to keep your used car inventory lean...

Welcome to this week's episode of Used Cars Weekly, the original CBT News show dedicated to bringing car dealers best practices and tips for the...

5 photo management strategies car dealers should keep top of mind

Welcome to this week's episode of Used Cars Weekly, the original CBT News show dedicated to bringing car dealers best practices and tips for the...

What an Increased Demand in Used Vehicles Means for Your Dealership’s...

It’s no secret to anyone that vehicle affordability issues continue to arise, and that means more customers are looking to purchase used cars. Here...