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Top Ten Reasons for Internal Auction Lanes

Most dealerships acquire used car inventory through the auction process, which can be painfully long and costly, squeezing your dealership’s potential profit margin. Consider,...
red flags

Increasing your profits while the industry levels off

  Dave Zoia, Editorial Director for WardsAuto and 30-year auto industry vet, forecasted 17.3 million vehicles this year. He spoke to CBT's Joe Gumm about...
Victor Antonio

Victor Antonio: Are there 3 options to a deal?

Victor Antonio:We always think there are just two options to every deal.  Victor says presenting three is better.  

Cody Lusk president of the AIADA speaks with CBT’s Jim Fitzpatrick...

Jim Fitzpatrick, CEO of CBT Automotive Network interviewed Cody Lusk, President of the AIADA this week and they discussed the impact a Trump presidency...

Interview with Conference Speaker David Kain

Joe Gumm sat down with David Kain, Expert Automotive Trainer to chat about his breakout session at the 2017 CBT Automotive Conference. David will host...