Today on – Wednesday, December 18th, 2019:
The Top 3 Things Sales Managers Can Do to Become Better Leaders in 2020
Here to tell us how to start your year off on the right foot in 2020 is Mark Tewart, president of Tewart Enterprises, best-selling author of “How to Be a Sales Superstar”, and host of On The Mark every Friday right here on the CBT Network. Watch Now
Making Sales Meetings Productive
As all of us in the car business know, there are sales meetings and then there are “sales meetings.” When it comes to the scheduled weekly or monthly meetings, most of the time the temperature of the meeting depends on how things are going in sales that week. This is especially true around the end of the month when things are coming down to the wire for unit sales and bonuses. Read More
Are You Spot On?
Over the years, dealers throughout the U.S. have gotten away from aggressive spot decisions and re-contracts. I remember when my boss would say, “If we’re not bringing at least 10 to 15 vehicles back per month, we’re not spotting aggressively enough!”
What constitutes a spot decision? This is when the dealer makes a call from the desk based on a customer’s credit without submitting it to the banks. The deal is wrapped up in finance and contracted. Depending on the volume of the store, the F&I director submits the deal to the lender a day or two later. About a week or two after that, the dealer invariably winds up having to drag the customer back onto the lot to re-contract on different terms. Read More