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Jim Ganther reveals key strategies for proactive compliance and cybersecurity

In this episode of Training Camp, host and F&I expert Adam Marburger welcomes Jim Ganther, the founder of Mosaic Compliance Services and a leading authority on automotive compliance. In a dynamic discussion, Ganther dives into the complexities of compliance in the F&I space, the importance of cybersecurity, and how dealers can proactively safeguard their operations.

Key Takeaways

1. Ganther highlights the difference between proactive and reactive dealership approaches to compliance. Forward-thinking dealers prioritize compliance to avoid fines and legal troubles, whereas others wait until something goes wrong. He emphasizes that compliance starts at the top but must also be deeply embedded within the F&I department. Every professional delivering a vehicle needs to understand legal parameters and receive adequate training to prevent issues before they arise.

2. Cybersecurity is a growing concern for dealerships, especially following the CDK breach. Ganther shares insider knowledge about this incident, explaining how CDK’s quick actions mitigated the damage. He stresses the importance of having systems like multi-factor authentication and encryption in place, but also points out that human error can still lead to vulnerabilities. Dealerships, no matter their size, need to implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data.

3. Additionally, Ganther suggests dealerships conduct regular “outage drills ” to prepare for potential cybersecurity attacks or system outages. These exercises simulate situations where technology systems are down, forcing staff to sell vehicles manually and complete transactions. By doing this, dealerships can ensure their teams are ready to handle disruptions and maintain operations despite unexpected technical failures.

4. Moreover, Ganther offers fundamental advice to F&I professionals, especially those new to the role—they love people more than cars. F&I managers can naturally default to compliant behavior while fostering long-term relationships by focusing on serving and respecting the customer. This customer-first approach enhances ethical sales practices and leads to greater satisfaction and profitability for the dealership.

5. Ethical behavior and compliance aren’t just about avoiding legal trouble—they also make good business sense. Ganther explains that dealerships that prioritize compliance and respect for customers often find themselves more profitable in the long run. Building customer trust and focusing on their best interests leads to stronger relationships, repeat business, and a more stable dealership reputation.

“If your intention is, ‘I only care about serving you and getting you the best product with the best protection,’ then you will be happy, and you’re going to do fine. Love people more than cars.” – Jim Ganther.

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