If you’re a dealer struggling to get your used vehicles in and out of recon as quickly as possible, you’ll want to pay attention to this next interview. CBT Automotive recently spoke with Dennis McGinn, Founder and CEO of Rapid Recon, on how he is providing a solid solution to your reconditioning challenges.
Rapid Recon provides solutions that measure and manage your recon process. Their Data-driven metrics allows your dealership the ability to identify where in your dealership there are inefficiencies and bottlenecks. The company started in 2010 when Founder and CEO Dennis McGinn set out to develop software solutions for dealerships that successfully create efficiencies and optimize profitability. With over 30 years of prior experience in the technology sector, McGinn has become an expert on an analytics for the retail, financial, and manufacturing industries.
McGinn tells our network how dealers have not paid enough attention to the time it takes for their car to reach the front line. This almost always ends up costing the dealer money. Rapid Recon is a web-based application that can be used on a variety of technical devices. It allows managers and associates to monitor every step of their recon process with the ability to control and clarify to your reconditioning operation.
The tool is thoroughly built with features that allows users to complete a variety of task. You can find a vehicle or open all safety recalls. But, it doesn’t end there, “it also takes another huge headache away, which is them knowing where their cars are all the time, and arguing a lot about, “Why are not all my cars ready to sell that I took on trade last week?” This gets right to that, and it works. The people that use it love it, because they’re in control of their own accountability now.” McGinn tells Bridget.
He includes all of this information and much more in his recent book Recon T2L that can be found on www.rapidrecon.com at no charge. The book is more like a how-to guide packed with advice and best practices that McGinn has used to help clients reduce ADR (Average Days in Recon) to 3 days.