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How your salespeople can generate more leads with LinkedIn — Matt Easton

Every salesperson is troubled by the nagging thought, “How do I receive better insight to make myself more credible with resources that can increase my success?” On today’s episode of Inside Automotive, Matt Easton, sales consultant, trainer, and founder of Easton University, offers his insight on the tools necessary for success.

According to Easton, you only need one effective tool to get started: LinkedIn. When it comes to LinkedIn, there are three worlds: those who know how to use it, those who don’t, and those who use it improperly.

sales time managementMore: Matt Easton on the importance of having effective time management skills

Regardless of what industry they are currently working in, Easton advises all salespeople to use LinkedIn. “The idea of assuming business owners are your best friends and want to go get a coffee sounds like a fantastic way to get mugged when reaching out,” says Easton. LinkedIn should be seen as a gateway for opening up conversations.

Eason offers three suggestions on how to take your pitch from good to “exceptional” when you are attempting to connect with people who can benefit your career or small business. 

  • The first piece of advice is to keep your message brief and straightforward. Avoid sending out lengthy messages because it’s likely you won’t receive a response. While sending your name, job description, and a request for an opinion could attract curiosity, it does not ensure a response.  
    • The key to removing the “dead weight” is understanding how to move from good to exceptional. Easton suggests that it is pointless to ask for a few minutes of their time and should be avoided. Instead, state that you have an idea, that you would appreciate their outtake, and that you would like to be contacted by phone or text.
  • Easton also recommends playing on the ego of the company’s owners. He explains that although business owners may not all be egotistical, they nonetheless enjoy hearing their own voices.
    • In order to avoid coming across as immature, you should flip the script and adopt a more professional stance. Easton advises not to ask for anything; instead, give. Don’t ask for guidance or solutions; rather, imply that you have observed the same difficulties before and then ask more in-depth questions. 
  • Finally, Easton encourages to end all conversations with N.S.O- Next step obsessed. 
    • Once You have established credibility because of the professional way in which you contacted them,  you are able to relate what you were looking for to their business. However, In order to promote future business relationships, follow-up questions like “what are my next steps” are necessary, if they weren’t clear during the initial conversation. 

Overall, LinkedIn is the most important, fundamental resource that is available to us all. Learn how to utilize it, hone your skills, and you can now network without needing to drive. 

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