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CBT Automotive Newscast for November 28, 2019 – Happy Thanksgiving!

Today on – Thursday, November 28th, 2019:

Glenn PaschEvaluating Your Dealership’s Marketing Team and Advertising Spend – Glenn Pasch, PCG Digital
Jim recently caught up with Glenn Pasch, auto marketing expert, and CEO of PCG Digital. They discussed the importance of re-evaluating your dealership’s marketing team and spend. They tackle questions like ‘who should make up the marketing team?’ and ‘what should I try to accomplish with every campaign?’. You won’t want to miss this interview. Watch Now

Glenn PaschComfort with Fundamentals Makes Decisions on Service Equipment Purchase or Replacement Easier
“It might be time to think about adding to or replacing some of your service equipment. That means being comfortable with the fundamental questions of where to start and how to ascertain what equipment is really needed.” You checked the dealership closet and you are fresh out of wire hangers. This means your service manager has no tool left to fix that aging lift for the 40th time. Now what? Read More

Glenn PaschA Customer-Centric Approach to Customer Loyalty
We know the internet has changed us all. In fact, many professionals in the auto industry believe that vehicle consumers in the future – as soon as five years – will not only be making their purchase choices for new and used vehicles online, including financial approvals and payment plans but will have their vehicles delivered to their door, never having to even show up at the dealership. Read More

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