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Essential strategies to help dealerships prepare for inclement weather

As extreme weather events become more frequent and unpredictable, the automotive industry needs to adapt to protect its assets and people. On this episode of CBT Now, Tayisha Beard, Senior Director of Sales for Ally Dealership Insurance, shares her expertise on how dealerships can prepare for and respond to inclement weather. With over 20 years in the field, Beard offers practical best practices on creating effective evacuation plans, evaluating inventory coverage, and helps ensure the well-being of dealership teams. Her insights can be helpful for any dealer looking to help safeguard their business in today’s volatile climate.

Key Takeaways

1. Over the past decade, weather patterns have become increasingly unpredictable, with unexpected floods and hailstorms impacting areas previously considered safe. According to Beard, she notes that dealerships must stay vigilant and adaptable in their preparedness efforts.

2. Additionally, Beard emphasizes the importance of having a detailed evacuation plan that protects both people and assets. This plan includes designating safe spaces within the dealership, moving vehicles to higher ground or covered areas, and ensuring all employees understand their roles during an emergency.

3. Beard states it is a good practice for dealerships to review their insurance coverage at least once a year to ensure it meets their current needs. This review should account for changes in inventory, added locations, and any new risks that need to be covered.

4. Moreover, after a weather-related event, it’s helpful to assess what worked and what didn’t in the dealership’s response. This is a good time to update evacuation plans and insurance policies to address any apparent gaps during the crisis.

5. Nevertheless, dealers often overlook their own well-being in the aftermath of a disaster. Beard suggests dealers ensure they have processed the event personally so they can effectively lead their teams and support their community during recovery.

"Just like they tell us on the airplanes, put on your mask first. Are you okay? Have you processed everything that just happened? Making sure your mental and physical health is in order is essential to being the best dealer and community advocate you can be." – Tayisha Beard.

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