Do you think Attitude is Overrated?

Do you think attitude is overrated?  Not just an attitude, but an attitude of gratitude.  Paul explains how a good attitude can benefit your process when people buy cars.



I have a question for you today. Do you think attitude is overrated? Do you think that attitude is overrated? Well Let me tell you that it’s not. You see, attitude is your greeting card. Attitude is your left ear to your right ear journey. But maybe different than you think.
I’m known as a pretty energized guy. They call me the Tin Man for a reason. But the attitude needs to be an attitude of service. The attitude needs to be an attitude of gratitude with your customer.

The one thing I can tell you is people buy cars from people they like, from people they trust. You know when people stop, take their wallet out, and hand someone money? When the attitude of gratitude is apparent. When the attitude of service is apparent. Never leave home without a great attitude.

I’m gonna tell you one little funny thing about attitude. I wrote this 35 years ago. A lot of people have copied it. If you look at attitude as it appears in the alphabet, A is the number one letter. T is the 20th letter. T is the 20th letter. I is the 9th letter. T is the 20th letter. U is the 21st letter. D, E it adds up to 100%.

Attitude is the only word in the dictionary if you look at how it appears in the alphabet that equals 100%. Make sure your attitude is 100% today.

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