On today’s CBT Newscast for Friday, November 17th, 2017:
Max Steckler: How do you achieve measurable results with digital marketing?
We’re almost a month away from wrapping up 2017, and maybe your dealership didn’t achieve the results it wanted to drive additional profit in every area of your dealership. At the automotive analytics and attribution summit, Max Steckler, VP of Global Product Solutions with CDK Global, says whether you have one store or more than ten, it’s all about execution. Watch Now
Did Trump pressure help create Mazda/Toyota $1.6 billion facility in U.S.?
Alabama and North Carolina are the final states in the running to win a prized Toyota and Mazda joint car factory worth $1.6 billion, according to people familiar with the negotiations. Bloomberg reports the shared factory is scheduled to open in 2021 and will be the first new auto assembly plant to be announced during the tenure of President Donald Trump, who has pressured Toyota and other carmakers to make more of their vehicles in the U.S. Read More
How to market to the next great group: Gen Z
According to a recent article, if you’re marketing to Generation Z they way you’re marketing to millennials, you are playing a losing game. Better known as “millennials on steroids,” and born between 1996 and 2010, Generation Z wants to be engaged and not marketed to. Read More