Today on – Wednesday, October 10th, 2018:
Assumptive Selling: Treat Every Up as a Qualified Buyer – Steve Stauning
Every dealer wants to see their sales improve without having to spend more money on generating new leads, and that means making the most of every customer experience that comes through the doors. Here to tell us why every salesperson should treat every Up like a qualified buyer is Steve Stauning, Founder and President of Steve Stauning, Inc. and author of Assumptive Selling: The Complete Guide to Selling More Vehicles for More Money to Today’s Connected Consumer. Watch Now
How to Avoid These Five Marketing Pitfalls at Your Dealership
Over the past couple of decades, marketing has transitioned from the “action of pushing out messaging,” to “strategically driving engagement and revenue.” Case studies, white papers, and reports highlight the importance of marketing, and most understand its significance. However, there is a right way and a wrong way to spread the word of what you do. Whether you are a dealership owner or dealership marketer, you should want to ensure your marketing team is implementing the absolute best principles to attract target customers. While there is a lot many are doing right, there are some pitfalls to avoid. Here are five questionable marketing tactics your dealership should stay away from. Read More
Use These 6 Tips to Treat Every Caller Like Royalty
Here’s a simple, but important truth: Your customer service experience starts the moment someone picks up the phone and dials your dealership. Sure, they browsed your awesome website. Yes, they saw your fun commercials. Yes, they received a fancy mailer. All are great but wither in comparison to a phone call. Why? Read More