Today on – Monday, December 10th, 2018:
How Your Dealership Can Thrive and Become More Profitable in 2019 – Tom Richards, NCM Labs
Having up to date and correct insight into industry trends and successful practices is half the battle when running a successful dealership. Joining Jim today to discuss dealer solutions and ways your dealership can become more profitable, is Tom Richards, vice president of NCM’s software solutions division, NCM labs. Watch Now
GM to Move Forward with Transformation Plans
This past month, GM rocked the automotive industry when the company announced wide-scale changes, including layoffs that would “reduce salaried and salaried contract staff by 15 percent, which includes 25 percent fewer executives to streamline decision making,” and idling several plants in both the US and Canada. GM’s goal with this plan is to restructure their operations while doing well so that they can be a more competitive group moving forward. Read More
Boost Website Rankings with a Video Sitemap
If you’re familiar with video marketing, you know that having videos on your dealership’s website improves SEO value. Google and other search engines are always trying to provide users with helpful video content. But did you know that search engines don’t always return the most relevant search results? In reality, they return search results that are easily found because the website is following the search engine’s rules. Read More