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BloombergNEF EV sales forecast, GM’s EPA standards, 2023 Ford Maverick orders

Inside Automotive:

How car dealers can protect themselves against ID fraud — Pete MacInnis | eLEND Solutions
ID scanning and verification devices from eLEND Solutions are catching criminals in the act, preventing fraudulent purchases, and helping local police. Today on Inside Automotive, Pete MacInnis, Founder and CEO of eLEND Solutions discusses how this technology aims to curtail rising fraud risks in the auto retail industry. Watch the complete segment here.


According to a report from BloombergNEF, the federal government’s ambitions for half of all new cars sold in the US to be electric by 2030, could be attainable thanks to new regulations and incentives. The report says that incentives passed by President Joe Biden, including tax credits of up to $7,500 for new EV purchases, are likely to boost the rate of adoption. Prior to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, projected EV sales by 2030 came in at 43% of the US market. Now, after the passage of the law, the estimate has been revised up to 52%. In 2021, EVs accounted for less than 5% of US sales, below the global rate of 9%. Read More

General Motors has announced recommendations for seven new EPA standards that the company hopes will help drive EV adoption in the US, promote fewer emissions, and create manufacturing jobs. The company is launching a full lineup of EVs as a part of its mission and has teamed up with the Environmental Defense Fund to support an all-electric future from model year 2027 on. The standards would require at least half of new vehicles sold to emit zero emissions and also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60% by 2030. If passed, the new standards would include an “innovative opt-in compliance pathway” designed to reward innovative manufacturers for speeding up EV deployment. Read More

The new 2023 Ford Maverick hybrid pickup truck sold out so quickly that the company closed the order book on the new vehicle less than a week after it opened. The company will do the same for pickups powered by the 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, including the Maverick Tremor, an off-road version of the compact pickup. According to a spokesman for the company, demand for the vehicles is so high that production can not keep up. Ford will be shipping some additional Mavericks for dealer stock along with custom orders, so interested buyers may still be able to find one on dealer lots if they’re lucky. Read More

The National Transportation Safety Board is recommending that all new vehicles in the US be required to have blood alcohol monitoring systems onboard. The new push was included in a report released regarding a crash last year in California, in which a drunk driver collided head-on with another vehicle, killing both adult drivers and seven children. An estimated 20,175 people have died in motor vehicle crashes in the first half of 2022. Since 2000, more than 230,000 have died in crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers. The NTSB has no regulatory authority but has been pressuring NHTSA to explore alcohol monitoring technology. Read More

News & Opinion

Goodbye to the oil change
Tires are one of the major keys to customer retention. It has taken a decade or more, but most dealers now realize this is true. But what if I told you tires could play an even bigger role in the future of your dealership. Electric Vehicles are coming at us like a train on the tracks, and there is one aspect of these vehicles no one is talking about: They don’t need an oil change! So what, not a big loss, right? Wrong! The oil change has been the reason or trigger for the service visit for the last 50-plus years. It’s not about the lost revenue from this service. It’s the fact that without the oil change as the trigger for the scheduled visit, the customer has no reason to come back to your service department. Every maintenance package on every car has one thing in common: an oil change. We have built packages around this simple service since the ‘50s. And it’s gone with EVs. Read More

breathing leaderHow to become a better business leader in less than two minutes
Well that’s a statement, isn’t it? Is this really possible? Let’s find out. Learning how to control our breath is one of the most powerful and quickest strategies to reduce our stress levels, improve our state of mind, and increase our energy levels. Below are four strategies that I use to improve decision-making, increase productivity, and create fewer emotionally driven negative reactions.  All of which contribute to a better culture and environment for the team and our clientele. Read More

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