Everyone is struggling to hire right now. Simply having enough staff to pick up ringing phones is a challenge. Outbound calls are on the back burner. When calls are not getting made, it’s time to consider outsourcing to a BDC. 

I hear what you’re thinking: “External BDCs won’t take care of my customers,” or “I’ll lose control over the lead process.” I believe BDC myths like this are hindering market adoption, and that’s hurting your business. The sooner we bust these myths, the sooner your dealership can get on board with a solution to enhance your customer experience and boost your bottom line. So, let’s get started.

Myth #1: External BDC agents lack empathy

External BDC agents are trained to follow the customer’s lead and modify behavior accordingly. Picture this: we recorded an agent calling a customer to schedule an oil change but the customer was preoccupied with upcoming physical therapy appointments. He told the agent he’d been injured. The agent responded with compassion and sympathy. He told the client he was sorry to hear about his situation and said, “I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Let’s work around your appointments.” The customer ended up scheduling the oil change and even agreed to a tire rotation the agent suggested. The customer felt heard and understood, and the agent ended the call on a high note. That’s a win-win. 

Myth #2: External BDC agents don’t represent my dealership culture

Any external BDC worth doing business with will conduct an extensive survey during the onboarding process. This will include one-on-one calls with management to understand how you want to be represented to your customers. Your preferred greeting, communication channel (phone, text, email), your dealership story, your tone (formal or informal), it’s all covered and followed to your exact specifications. You can also specify a BDC located in the U.S. to avoid potential language barriers and frustrated customers. 

Myth #3: External BDCs lack transparency

Want to make sure agents are following your specifications? Don’t hire any company unless it offers a real-time, online portal where you can track all communications. The portal should allow you to listen to calls and read text messages and emails. It should also have robust reporting with metrics such as calls made per day, number of connections, number of appointments set, and ROI. The last can only be determined if the BDC is tied to your DMS – so always ask about system integrations. 

Myth #4: External BDC agents lack automotive expertise

Agents are trained to know your product line and develop expertise to answer more product-related questions. They also receive detailed process instructions for your store. Any reputable BDC should also create scorecards and conduct calibration calls as a matter of course. BDC managers randomly select calls from each agent, create a scorecard, and use that score to rate calls and unveil opportunities for additional training. A BDC should overstaff by at least 20 percent so agents can be pulled off of phones during the day for training sessions. 

Myth #5: External BDCs don’t offer campaign guidance

Campaign consultation and recommendations should always be part of the package. A BDC that specializes in automotive will have a track record of successful campaigns. For example, vehicle recall campaigns are some of the most profitable for dealers. It’s estimated that one in four vehicles on the road has an open recall, and the average RO for a recall is nearly $600. A reputable BDC will pull data on open recalls from your DMS, create customer lists, and get the calls done. All without you having to lift a finger. Then they will back-up results with conversion rates so you can readily identify and duplicate campaigns that make you money. 

Setting up an internal BDC can be financially prohibitive – and that’s if you can even find agents to staff it. Don’t let a bad experience in your past scare you off. External BDCs have evolved considerably over the years. An automotive-focused external BDC is a proven and cost-effective way to make sure revenue-producing campaigns get done, and get done well.  

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