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Audit your inner circle and accelerate your growth

The individuals we choose to surround ourselves with can significantly impact our growth and career trajectory. In today’s episode of Training Camp, host Adam Marburger shares five tips to help you audit your inner circle, create meaningful and beneficial connections, and reach the next level of your career.

Conduct a circle audit

Marburger emphasizes that one of the most essential exercises you can do is evaluate the people in your life. One of Marburger’s MMA coaches, Jesse Finney, once told him, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” The individuals that you choose to surround yourself with directly impact your success. Marburger recommends that once a year, evaluate the company that you keep with the following questions:

  • Are they reciprocal and adding value to my life?
  • Do they inspire growth, or do they hold me back?
  • Is there negativity attached to them?

This self-reflection will help you identify who should remain in your inner circle and who should be loved from a distance. 

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Learn to love some people from a distance

Inevitably, after completing the circle audit, there will likely be some people who don’t make the cut. Not everyone is meant to have a seat at your table, and that’s okay. 

If you’re committed to growth, and someone close to you is not – they’re likely to keep you where you are if you continue to spend a lot of time with them. You must adjust your inner circle once you complete the audit. 

Remember that this doesn’t mean you must completely cut all ties with them. You’re simply distancing yourself and them by removing them from your inner circle. Reduce the amount of time you spend with them and the amount of energy you give the relationship. 

It’s okay to love them from a distance.  

Study the greats

There are many levels in the automotive industry, and somebody is always on another level than you. No matter where you are and what you’ve accomplished, someone always performs at a higher level. It’s important to find these people and connect with them. Study their habits, their morning routines, and their mindset. Most high achievers are willing to share their insights and help others. It’s all about being humble enough to recognize that there’s room for growth and being bold enough to reach out. 

If you consistently position yourself to be the least talented person at the table, you’ll naturally rise to meet the standard when you’re surrounded by greatness. 

Study those that are like-minded

It’s vital to connect with like-minded individuals, not only in your career but also in your personal life. Likeminded individuals will drive positive change in your life by holding you accountable.

We need individuals who consistently provide us with truthful feedback. It’s impossible to grow if you only accept input you want to hear and ignore things you don’t want to hear. An open and honest line of communication will foster growth and fulfillment, pushing you to level up professionally and personally. 

Join a mastermind group

Marburger recommends joining a mastermind group of like-minded individuals with a common goal: growth. 

Joining a larger group of growth-driven individuals opens the door to many new connections. It facilitates a supportive network where stepping outside your comfort zone, learning new skills, and trying new things are encouraged. 

Reach the next level of your career

Implementing these five strategies can refine your skills, build stronger networks, and drive your career forward. You will consistently level up when you take charge of who you spend the most time with, remain humble enough to seek mentorship, and are bold enough to reach out to new connections.

“Challenge yourself to be the least talented person at the table. If you consistently do that, you will continue to level up, level up, and level up.” – Adam Marburger

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Jasmine Daniel
Jasmine Daniel
Jasmine Daniel is a staff writer and reporter for CBT News. She holds a BFA in Writing from the Savannah College of Art & Design and has over eight years of experience in SEO, digital marketing, and strategic communication. Her storytelling skills bring breaking news to life, delivering timely, impactful stories that resonate with readers.

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