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Dave Anderson on ‘stacking wins’ and maximizing time for peak performance

Today’s second part of this four-part series on Inside Automotive, we dive into more insightful lessons with leadership expert and author Dave Anderson. Known for his powerful podcast, The Game Changer Life, and his role as president of LearnToLead, Dave is back to share strategies from his latest book, Elevate Your Excellence: The Power of Doing Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well. Get ready to learn how small wins, time management, and even hydration can drive peak performance in both personal and professional life.

Key Takeaways

1. Anderson highlights the critical role of the morning routine in setting the tone for the entire day. He believes that how you start the day can either propel you forward or set you back. Simple, intentional acts like making your bed, hydrating, and paying attention to grooming aren’t just mundane tasks—they build early momentum. This “stacking of wins” creates positive energy, discipline, and confidence, leading to a more productive day. These small victories help individuals feel in control before even stepping into the workplace, allowing them to perform at their best from the moment they arrive.

2. According to Anderson, success doesn’t happen by chance—it results from accumulated actions. He explains that creating momentum involves stacking small wins throughout the day, which helps build confidence and keeps individuals moving forward. These wins could be as simple as completing a morning routine or using commute time productively. Momentum, he asserts, is earned through discipline and routine, and walking into work with positive energy and momentum can help turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one.

3. Additionally, Anderson challenges the notion that time spent on unproductive activities has no impact. He believes that everything you do either moves you closer to your goals or further away and that “neutral” time—such as watching TV or mindlessly scrolling through social media—can be harmful because it could have been spent bettering yourself. He stresses the need to have high regard for your time, as it’s the one resource you cannot get more of. Being intentional about how you use every minute and who you spend your time with can make all the difference in achieving success.

4. Moreover, Anderson shares that being conscious of your mindset and how you spend your time is critical for achieving success. He encourages people to avoid distractions and time-wasting activities at work, such as gossiping or prolonged coffee breaks, and instead focus on tasks that move them forward. By becoming the “gatekeeper” of your schedule, you can prioritize activities aligning with your goals. Anderson also emphasizes the power of positive thinking, starting the day by reviewing your goals, practicing gratitude, and feeding your mind with positive content instead of leaving it “up for grabs.”

5. A surprising but crucial takeaway from Anderson’s book is hydration’s impact on performance. He explains that most people wake up dehydrated, and failing to address it affects energy, memory, and mood. Dehydration thickens the blood, making the body work harder to perform basic functions, leaving you feeling sluggish and lethargic. Anderson views proper hydration as an “easy win” that can boost mental clarity and overall performance. He also cautions that while staying hydrated is essential, finding a balance is important, as overhydrating can have adverse effects.

"It’s not the made bed; it’s the person you become in the process of making it. Great performance begins before it begins." – Dave Anderson.

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