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How to build a better dealership team

Your dealership’s success relies on more than just the latest EV models or viral marketing campaigns. It thrives—or struggles—based on the talent you bring into the building. And the reality is you’re not only competing with the dealership down the road but with independent shops and tech companies that offer attractive career options. 

Finding the right talent is tough—but keeping them? That’s even harder. Attracting a team that drives your dealership’s growth requires a fresh approach to recruiting, developing, and retaining the right people. Here’s how.

Why Can’t I Find Auto Technicians? 

It used to be that finding a mechanic meant looking for someone who had grease under their nails, a comprehensive set of Snap-On tools, and loved getting their hands dirty. But today’s service technicians are part mechanics, software engineers, and problem solvers. Let’s touch on a couple of reasons why it’s so challenging to find that combo in today’s market: 

There’s a Skills Gap: While “old-school” mechanical knowledge still matters, you know that the vehicles rolling into your dealership are more advanced than ever. They require technicians who can manage diagnostics, use advanced software, and understand electric vehicle (EV) systems. The auto industry desperately needs technicians to bridge the gap between mechanics and technology. How desperate? Despite a recent 4 percent growth, the sector remains nearly 613,000 technicians short of TechForce’s 2024 target. Unfortunately, this hybrid skill set is in high demand but low supply. 

Generational Shifts: Veteran baby boomers are retiring due to technological changes, a lack of investment in education by many dealerships, and a shortage of younger talent to replace them. 

According to a report by the TechForce Foundation, completions in technician programs after secondary education have decreased by 34% since 2012. Nowadays, all your employees and potential candidates seek jobs that provide more than just a salary. They want opportunities for personal and professional development. They also seek a sense of purpose and a work environment that prioritizes culture and innovation. 

You need to offer more than just monetary compensation to attract top talent. You must provide prospects with a vision for the future and compelling reasons to choose your organization.

Build a Dealership Culture They’ll Choose 

Posting a job ad on LinkedIn may get a lot of submissions but won’t always attract the right talent. However, creating a workplace where people want to work will attract the right talent. It’s time to build dealerships that offer growth and a sense of belonging. Here’s how you can make that type of culture: 

Offer Pay That Reflects Their Value: In today’s job market, competitive pay is the minimum. Employees also want to know their work matters. Being a dealership stands for something more than profit margins. Whether you prioritize sustainability, community involvement, or cutting-edge technology like EVs, communicating your mission and values is essential. Talented technicians are more likely to join—and stay—if they believe in the bigger picture. 

Invest in Their Future: No one, not even you, sticks around for a dead-end job. That may be why you’re currently losing employees. So why would anyone want to join you? Invest in specialized training and pay for certifications in EV repair or advanced diagnostics to keep your top talent. This investment boosts your employees’ confidence and skill set. But it also makes your dealership more competitive as the industry shifts towards more tech-driven vehicles. 

Be a Diverse Workplace: It’s common sense to ensure your employees reflect your customers’ diversity. This inclusive and accepting culture should be deeply embedded in the fabric of your dealership. It requires effort, but it’s a challenge worth undertaking. Embracing diversity provides different perspectives that contribute to improved problem-solving and innovative ideas. 

How to Shape Your Dealership’s Future 

The best thing about creating the right culture is that it doesn’t just attract employees—it keeps them. They’ll stick around when your team feels valued, invested, and part of something bigger. And just as it is with your customers, retention is just as critical as recruitment. 

Create a Team-First Culture: For decades, we’ve known that employees stay where they feel appreciated. So, building an environment that encourages teamwork, collaboration, and transparency is essential. It builds loyalty when hard work is noticed and rewarded, whether hitting service targets or going above and beyond for customers. Public recognition of individual and team accomplishments fosters a competitive but supportive atmosphere. That, in turn, can motivate everyone to perform at their best. Remember, it’s not just about performance metrics. A simple acknowledgment for going the extra mile can be a powerful motivator. 

Invite Long-Term Commitment: When you build this culture, people don’t just join your dealership — they commit to it. They’re not thinking about their next job but how they can grow with your team. You’ll no longer have to constantly replace talent because they’ll be excited to stick around and contribute.

Building Your Dealership’s Future Starts with People. 

Ultimately, it’s not just about hiring a service technician or a sales professional. It’s about creating a team dedicated to your dealership’s success. Your dealership’s future isn’t just about selling cars; it’s about the culture, people, and long-term vision you develop today. 

Invest in your team and promote a strong culture; the right people will not just come–they will stay. 

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Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell
Steve Mitchell is a contributing writer and reporter for CBT News. He earned bachelor's degrees in Marketing and Television from the University of Texas in Austin and a Masters of Theology study from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas. His passion for automobiles lead him to become a creative director for automotive marketing ad agency. Most recently, he was the manager of interactive marketing for Mitsubishi Motors, NA.

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