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Should your salespeople have Facebook pages

Facebook is a bit different from other social networks in that it’s commonly used for direct communication, and people check on the regular for news updates as well as some level of shopping. You might not know this, but on the individual level, Facebook is a good tool for salespeople to use to drive traffic for the dealership – and themselves. 

Recent Facebook changes for auto dealers 

Earlier in 2023, Facebook changed how dealerships can post vehicles for sale. A dealership business page is no longer allowed to post individual cars for sale on the rather well known marketplace. 

To put this in more specific, business terms: Facebook would rather dealers run paid ads instead of loading up the marketplace with free posts.  

While this isn’t literally a workaround, individuals – from dealerships, including salespeople can make personal accounts on Facebook and post cars – then receive messages from potential customers. A dealership could provide a guide for salespeople about how to post cars on Facebook and what to do to uphold company standards.  

You should also know that you might want some level of regulation on this – normally, a Facebook listing is controlled by a feed – including pricing and other info – and not by a salesperson. Be careful here!  

Their own brand 

The dealership I worked at had several salespeople posting on Facebook – mostly for friends and family, but many reports having satisfied customers joining their Facebook page to see regular posts. While this didn’t tend to bring in “new” customers, sharing vehicle info with family friends, neighbors and many others made it easier to have someone in need of a vehicle – and a deal, stumble upon their post and come to check it out.  

Consider a salesperson specific Facebook page, as created and curated by a salesperson, to be like a free, and probably more effective business card for the purpose of spreading the word about vehicle sales to their own community. 

We do have one suggestion here: Some employees might hesitate to start a Facebook personal page because they do not know how to use Facebook – or they just don’t like the social platform. Others might not be readily prepared to follow rules that stay within the Community Guidelines for Facebook but don’t represent your brand or the manufacturer well. 

If your salespeople are motivated to make their own Facebook page and keep it up to date – and sell cars to family and friends from it – you should definitely encourage it so long as they aren’t posting incorrect information and creating issues for your management team. 

Many dealerships have people who have been in the business for a long time and sell mostly to their own book of customers. Having a Facebook page will further enhance their ability to reach customers and enable your newer salespeople to develop their own set of Facebook eyes. It will take time, but its worth it! 


Any motivated salesperson with a phone or a computer can make their own sales page on Facebook. With Facebook marketplace listings, sales people can also receive their own leads Our suggestion is to train salespeople and offer some guidelines for how you want them to perform Facebook, as in some cases, they will have to post vehicle information and pricing.  

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Ben Stewart
Ben Stewart
Ben is a contributing writer and reporter for CBT News with 10 years of dealership experience in automotive marketing. Ben loves all things cars and putting together strategies that help dealerships succeed.

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