Doug Christiansen, a Trainer with the Joe Verde Group, shares with CBT News why dealers need to provide the right type of training for their employees and how to do that correctly in order to achieve success.
When it comes to training, Doug says it needs to interesting, informative, and valuable.
Too often during what is scheduled as training ends up being a blocked period of time where war stories are shared. When this occurs over and over a few things happen. Sales associates become discouraged, they do not take training seriously or they become disengaged. All of which means that you are not giving your team the information or tools to succeed.
In order to maximizing all of the industry’s knowledge and ongoing new practices to improve where your dealership can be better, create a strategy. That’s exactly what the Verde group has done. In order for your sales team to learn, execute and grow from training you need to know where it is going to begin, how it will be exceeded and what results you should expect in return. You need to make a plan and the Verde group can help.
The Verde Group is a research consultancy expert in measuring, analyzing and resolving customer dissatisfaction. They specialize in helping companies create breakthrough improvements in customer loyalty, spend and value. They have trainers that can come out to any dealership if needed or they can just support you from afar and let you know where it would be best to target your efforts.
Implementing monthly training is simply not enough. Before you ever schedule training on the calendar, first understand what type of training you need and where you need it. After all, no one likes sitting through something they already know or will never use again. Keeping topics informative and interesting helps but only if the topic your tackling makes sense for your team.