We have the data you need to help you set more appointments and sell more cars.

Here’s a question with an obvious answer. Do you want to close more sales? Well obviously the answer is yes, but the key to doing so isn’t always as clear. Luckily, we have five steps from a DealerSocket study that will help you set more appointments and close more sales.

Step one– follow up between 16 and 30 minutes after receiving a lead. You are 23 percent more likely to close a sale than those who respond too soon, meaning 5-10 minutes after.

Step number two– include four key pillars in your email responses- multiple vehicle options, a personalized paragraph, third party reference, and push for a phone call to keep the deal moving forward.

Step three– make eight calls per prospect instead of three. Dealers who did an additional five phone calls had double the sales.

Step four– keep your calls short. One minute and 37 seconds is the sweet spot as opposed to a two minute phone call. Dealers who do this sell an additional 7 cars a month.

step five– send three emails per prospect. Don’t blow up a potential buyer’s inbox. Emails are effective when used sparingly. Apply these five steps today to drive immediate profit to your stores.