5 Traits Businesses Look For When Hiring Salespeople


For decades, businesses have been trying to discover the formula for hiring “perfect” salespeople. There are tons of books, blog posts, and editorial articles out there with advice on how a salesperson should act. However, much of this commentary is a bit broad — they’ll tell you to be direct, communicate, and have a positive attitude, which are qualities most CEOs want to see in all of their employees, not just the sales staff. While I can’t claim to have unlocked the unified field theory of sales, my business has an awesome sales team, and I’ve found that there are five traits in particular I try to find and foster in new sales-hires.

  1. Research Skills
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Collaboration
  4. Pride
  5. Customer Service

Read the full article on Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/deborah-sweeney/the-five-traits-businesse_b_4855032.html