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3 biggest mistakes salespeople make when closing- Sean Gardner

Sales teams are vital to every dealership, but with the market shifting, are they prepared for the market to return to normal? Sean Gardner, an instructor and sales trainer with the Joe Verde Group, discusses the three most common mistakes made on the sales floor and how to avoid them today on Inside Automotive.

The auto industry is becoming increasingly competitive, particularly now that the market is returning to normal. In addition, salespeople have become the major decision-makers in the car-buying process. Therefore, Gardner identifies three common mistakes that salespeople make while closing customers. 

  • The first common mistake is that salespeople take shortcuts. For instance, salespeople may greet customers as they approach and then dive directly into the numbers. Gardner then reports, “Joe calls that ‘curve to the car’.” 

The close suffers when salespeople don’t take the time to compile a report and investigate. By slowing down, salespeople are able to focus more on the value of a sale. For example, the first impression,  greeting, report-building, investigation, and presentation demonstration make up the steps for a normal close.

  • This brings the second common mistake: basing the closing on pricing. Most salespeople assume customers only have an interest in negotiating prices, so, dealers look at a loss of $2,000 in profits.

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Opening the sales pitch with the promise of saving customers $844, creates more problems than advantages. Gardner observes that “salespeople need to start closing on the value of the vehicle itself instead”. Customers, according to Garder, want to see what they’re getting for their money. So, the salesperson must first generate excitement before educating consumers on the vehicles. “Get the customer excited and the rest will be cake,” advises Garner.

  • The third mistake salesmen make, according to Gardner, is giving up too quickly. He claims that they do not have adequate training in handling various objections. According to Gardner, “75% of salesmen only use one close, and 80% of closes happen after the fifth attempt.” 

Gardner advises salespeople to learn more tools because it aids in a more successful close. “Stop trying to sell the numbers, instead make sure the vehicle upholds the needs of the customer”, Gardner explains. The company can only improve if its employees do as well. As a result, he advises that salespeople learn a new objection closure every month until they have mastered 12 closures. This enables dealerships to increase their gross and deliveries. Gardner asserts that the following strategies will ensure a good close: “Start your sell at the beginning, create the relationship (the report and investigation will follow), and genuinely educate the consumer.”

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